Sunday, May 18, 2008

Toledo-third time around

Florian & I took a bus to Toledo on Saturday and spent the weekend sitting in coffee shops and getting lost in winding alleyways. Poppies are blooming here right now and the view from the bus was incredible-brilliant streaks of red on each side of the highway.

We saw an old monastery where Isabella & Ferdinand were planning on being buried (ended up in Granada)-old and cool; Florian got bored somewhere during my commentary (probably at the phrase 'nave lateral') but I think at one point we were actually standing in a crypt. Sweet! We drank lots of café con leches and café solos-several in a cafe that was obviously a straight portal to 1988 (check out the couch in that photo & think lots of Tracy Chapman). My favorite part was that the cafe wasn't trying to be stuck in the 80s, it literally was.

Also ate some yummy pizza in Plaza Zocodóver and talked with a Portuguese woman who had 13 kids. Decided that was a few too many.

P.S. Happy Birthday Dad!!


Anonymous said...

Hola Cassafras,
Una bella oportunidad en la vida.Estudar en una Universid y al mismo tiempo adquirir nuevas experiencias y conecimientos
Saludos cordiales desde Brazil

Hoi Polloi said...

So many posts! I love your stories. I think right now I am going to have enough money (finally) to go to Europe in the fall. After you are already gone! Totally lame. Did you get the letter?

Hoi Polloi said...

btw, I have tagged you! Come by my blog to see what I mean.