Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Noticias madrileñas

Today is my first day back to school. Exams are coming up at the end of this month and the beginning of Feb., so naturally I am in the computer lab updating my blog. It is also the warmest place on campus. I ate some delicious cafeteria tortilla and read the news after my horrendously boring Cervantes lecture. I found out today that I do have to read Don Quixote. Sweet.

Now for the news: The metro cleaners' strike ended today. Which is pretty awesome, because the pile of red-wine tinted vomit at the Quevedo station was starting to gross me out. Plus all the metros were starting to smell like the NYC subways. The question remains: How awful was it to have to clean up a few weeks worth of trash after the strike?

Javier Bardem! Oscar worthy? We say yes! I highly recommend No Country for Old Men (No es país para viejos). It is about an assasin, the man he is chasing and the policeman chasing them both. Lots of people die. It is so choice.

España and the rest of Europe are talking about the primaries. Mostly they are saying what I am: anything will be better (Although I admit, Huckabee freaks me out a bit). In 20 Minutos, the paper I read this morning, they seem pretty excited about Obama. As am I. I haven't heard much about his plans, but as the paper put it, he would change the way the world sees the United States. I think we need that.

There was also a feature on prostitution in Madrid. It made me realize how I have grown used to the girls standing on the streets. When I go out to Sol and walk back home, I walk past them on Gran Via everytime. The article explained how most are foreigners and are in a state of semi-slavery. Some were sold into prostituion by their families. They have to pay rent and a pimp of some sort as well as a prositituion mafia for protection.

Some Portuguese tried to sneak cocaine into Spain...they froze it in with octopus. How is that for news of the weird.

1 comment:

Hoi Polloi said...

You should look into Ron Paul. I think he supports more of what you believe than Obama does. However, since he probably won't be voted rep of the republican party, Obama looks as good as any of the men supported by the general public. Much love!