Friday, March 7, 2008

Ich bin freue!

Yesterday was lovely! It became lovely when I met Miguel. Miguel is in my Women's History class (the orange from the previous post). He does an excellent non-flattering imitation of our professor.

But the highlight was The Cure! I've never seen more middle-aged women dressed in all black. It was freaking awesome. Did you know that in Europe, bands usually do two encores? When he finished singing the first time, I was disappointed because I thought he'd only come back up for a few more songs. But he ended up coming back up 3 times in total! Crazy. Why not just have an intermission or something? It was great though. I've had this song in my head all day, along w/ Boys Don't Cry. Thanks to Flo's mom for giving sweet birthday presents to her son.

Then this morning we said goodbye to Jenny. Lame.

Tonight? Pizza made by Roberto, clearly.

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