Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Revisiting the Library

Today I finally went to visit a professor during office hours. Profesora Ruiz Montejo is my favorite for two reasons.
1. I understand 90% of what she says.
2. She smiles.
She explained the final exam to me: 6 short questions over 6 slides, 10 minutes for each question. Obviously, I need to study the images, so I explained my trouble with the library. She told me to try again and that the books are organized by class.
So I gave it another shot-I had time to kill before my next class anyway. I went to the 2nd floor, to the art section, and there, to my surprise, were about 1/2 of the books on my bibliography list-all on one shelf.
The library immediately seemed a little brighter. I noticed windows letting in the ever-bright sun. There were nice long tables with individual lamps. It was quiet.
My sports-fan-like devotion to Ellis began to fade.
So maybe it is just that the geographers and the historians have one up on the Filología department, but I sat there with a book in my hands not caring where the difference lay. The photos and the font in the book were HUGE. It was in Spanish, English, French and German. I'd have to be a blind idiot not to learn something! That said, I still need to look up the meaning of "soteriological."

P.S. The doctrine of slavation through Jesus Christ. What a word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want to see pictures of the library! I think libraries usually have the best architecture in cities. check this out: http://www.thecoolhunter.net/books/LIBRARIES---CANDIDA-HOFFER/