Friday, October 26, 2007

Recurring dream

I haven't had one of these since I was a kid. I have always paid attention to my dreams-since I was a kid and we would all sit around at breakfast discussing them. My dad always had the craziest ones. Anyway, I've decided I'm sick of dreaming.

Since moving to Madrid my dreams have been waking me up in panic. In the dream I realize I am about to be late for my plane, and that there is no realistic way to catch it. I.e. I am a 9 hours drive away and the plane is leaving in 8 1/2. That was the dream where I was in Texas and apparently had to drive up to STL to fly to Spain. I also had one where I was driving to WA, and turned around to try to make a flight out of Chicago. One time I had a layover in Santa Monica. Last night I was in the shower when I realized my flight to Pakistan was leaving in an hour and a half.

Anyway, all this nonsense is bound to be happening considering I'm just now leaving home for the first time. And between my psych-major friend Jaci and, I think I've established that I am worried about living in Spain on my own. Whodathunkit?


Anna said...

i found a BIGGER catholic church. it´s HUUUGE. it´s on fernando de católico. about 5 minutes from your house. it´s incredible.

happy happy monday

anne b. said...

I miss you at the Artisan.