Thursday, October 25, 2007

The tapa thing is finally starting to work out.

Last night Anna and I had plans to meet friends in Sol (center of Madrid) to go to a jazz club. But we had two hours to kill before the show, so we took our time walking to Sol. Anna convinced me to go to a mass! The church was incredible. It was huge-with all sorts of crazy decorations and statues everywhere. It seemed a bit kitschy to me, but still way cool. The building itself was incredible. The mass was awesome. We missed about half of it (literally, verbally I missed 95% of it because I was too busy gawking at the building to try to understand the Spanish), but Anna kept explaining everything to me. I didn't go to church last week because I am tired of getting homesick everytime I go, so my heart was really read to hear some scripture. Or at least talk about peace.

Afterwards we went to this café that is known for the huge amount of free food they give out with drinks. We had wine and talked about our amazing families and friends. The café lived up to its reputation. For 9 euros worth of drinks, we got 2 pinchos (servings) of Spanish tortilla, 2 small baguettes and a huge plate of olives. When we were full, our waiter came over and asked if we wanted another dish. Dang!

Then we walked to Sol and listened to some amazing blues music, and went out for even more tapas at El Tigre! At El Tigre I think Anna and I both fell in love with all of our Erasmus friends who were with us. Adam, from the Czech Republic, knew all of my favorite American movies. Vincent, from France, was clearly only there for the tapas and kept getting everyone to order more beer so he could eat more. The other three were entertaining in their own ways. I think we're going to have a movie night together to share some cultural things. And so I can be a hostess and cook for people.

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