Tuesday, October 2, 2007

First day of classes, kind of...

I am drinking the worst cup of coffee ever. I'm sitting in the basement of one of the Filología buildings on campus. I've gone to two classes and I have two hours to kill until the next one.
During the whole month of October I get to choose my classes. That's right, I have a whole month to choose. So obviously, today, all of my (potential) professors decided not to do anything except briefly summarize the syllabus.
Today has been a frustrating day. Every day in Madrid depends hugely on me-do I have the energy to explore? Do I want to speak the language? Can I get out of bed? It is so easy to hide in my comfortable apartment with my American roommates watching Friends on my laptop. The moment I do take a risk and talk to someone or even just leave my apartment, I have good experiences. Last night Anna and I found the "edge" of Madrid and a beautiful park where we sat in a slight drizzel writing letters to our best friends and loving the fact that we'd managed to stumble across something amazing (a view of the sky, a temple, a fountain) in the ever-claustrophobic & winding streets of Madrid. It's hard to convince myself to leave my apartment, because it is so hard to find places I feel comfortable in Madrid. I'm used to knowing Columbia like the back of my hand. It's like Cheers went off the air or something, I don't know anything or anyone!
Seriously! This espresso is so bitter! I'd kill for Kaldi's.
Anyway, I think I'm going to take Spanish Literature since 1975 instead of Medieval Spanish Lit. For one, the words "castellano antiguo" (old Spanish-think foreign Shakespeare) TERRIFY me. I have enough trouble with modern castellano! Reasons 2 & 3: The 1975 professor talks SO fast, but she smiles. Also, her class is in the afternoon, and we all know how I am with mornings. I couldn't even make it to my 11 o'clock class last semester.
I'm glad school is starting. I haven't had to think about anything but mochas, enchiladas and plane tickets since May. It will be nice to challenge my brain again!
At the same time, it is scary. I have a whole new set of confusing experiences coming my way. I wish someone would choose my classes for me! That said, I have been depending on my friends and roommates too much and I look forward to being more self-sufficient and curious. Current plan: Pick classes and establish schedule, get a job teaching English, spend money from job on travel.

Love, Cass
P.S. After I wrote this I met a guy from Sevilla! I love it when I get out of bed in the morning!


Nonik said...

cassidy, your rantings remind me of when Joey was in London for Ross and Emily's wedding and he missed everything back home sooo much...remember how he got choked up when giving the best man speech upon reminiscing on New York....wait, are you watching that as you're blogging???

Monique Mendoza said...

Medieval can be pretty fun though - I've got a collection of romances and they can get pretty smutty or turn into soap operas.
